Rain or Shine: Choose the Right Gear

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As the weather transitions from frigid cold to warmer days, it is important to shift your running wardrobe and mind set accordingly. Rain or shine, make sure your outfit is prepared for it all. With the proper running attire, you can stay comfortable and dry.

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Choose the proper socks.

Ditch the warm winter socks for some cool, moisture wicking socks. These Injinji socks are a great option for spring weather. The right socks will keep your feet cool and dry in weather that may quickly vary from rainy to sunny. Maintaining dry feet is also key to avoiding blisters. 

Prevent chaffing and blisters.

Warm, wet weather is a culprit of chaffing. Prevent this by applying a salve like Squirrel Nut Butter to areas likely to chafe. Salve also reduces friction which helps prevent blisters.

Find a versatile jacket.

Protect yourself from the wind and rain with a lightweight jacket. A running windbreaker will provide some protection from the rain while not being too warm. Additionally, it is easy to stuff a lightweight jacket into a running pack or tie it around your waist if the weather shifts. 

For more versatility, try running arm sleeves.

Wearing transitional clothing like arm sleeves is a great way to prep for fast-changing temperatures. Sleeves will keep your arms covered for chilly morning runs and can be pushed off when the sun comes out. 

Shelter your face from both rain and sun.

Keep rain and sweat out of your eyes with a lightweight running hat. Our “A Feather on your Cap” hat is breathable and perfect for spring running weather. Sunglasses are also great for blocking out the spring sun—check out our OMR branded Goodr.



Maddelynn Horn

BA Psychology (‘20), MA Digital Marketing and Data Analytics (‘22)