Getting to Know Coach Lindsay Phenix
Who is your ideal athlete to coach?
I love to coach all levels, but my favorites are the ones who show up and give their best no matter the distance. I want to coach people who aim really high and are willing to learn.
What do you love about being a coach?
I love seeing people start to realize what they can do. I love when a breakthrough happens and they become faster and more confident in themselves and their running.
How does a custom training plan help an athlete meet their goal?
A custom training plan is crucial in making sure you’re held accountable but also that you don’t overdo it and get injured before you see your goal through
What is your why?
My why is the pure joy of running and pushing my limits and seeing others do the same.
What's your favorite race and why?
My favorite race has to be the hard trail races like HURT 100 or Leadville 100 or Angeles Crest 100. You see so many beautiful mountains and really have to dig deep to find that finish line.
Coach Lindsay HURT 100 Finisher 2024
What is your proudest running accomplishment?
My proudest running accomplishment is finishing Badwater 135 with my dad as my crew and pacer. I found out about that race from a book he gave me when I was 14 and I knew in that moment I was going to run it some day.
What else would you like to share about yourself?
Fun fact about me is my training volume works best at a lower volume. I think that helps me coach all types of runners and different needs.
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The Dirt Trail Running Podcast Coaches Edition with Coach Lindsay.