Follow me here: IG- @maritecker FB- @Marit Newlin Ecker
Marit Ecker
What is your occupation?
Mother of Dragons & Therapist of Neurological Rehabilitation
What is your favorite way to stay active?
I LOVE to run in the woods, paddle board, do obstacle courses and play lava monster with my kiddos!
What is something about you that people may not know?
I think I know just about every word to every score of every Broadway musical!
Do you have kids?
YES! Two little dragons called Axel and Lotta
Who is someone you look up to in the world?
I don’t know if I can name just one person. I love learning and gleaning little gems from all the good souls out there in the world!
What is something you would say to someone trying to find adventure in their lives?
Just JUMP! And build your wings on the way...
Your favorite treat for a job well done?
Sweets!! But the ratios of crunchy:chewy & fruity:chocolatey must be dialed in!