Meet Jeff Lenard


Introducing Jeffrey Lenard- Course Director at Frozen Gnome and Earth Day trail race

Jeff is a talented, joyful runner that is quick on the trails! Even though he can crank some fast times at races- you are more likely to find him helping someone else reach their goal.

Jeff puts a lot of time and care into the Frozen Gnome & Earth Day trail race courses. He has “tweaked” the race design to make sure runners get to enjoy all of our local running clubs favorite trails at Veteran acres. He organizes the course volunteers on race day, and is in charge of marking and taking down the trail markers. It is a big job. Jeff does an incredible job! Be sure to give him an extra “high five” on race day!

Here is a short interview with him to get to know Jeff better:

Jeff’s Ultrasignup results:

Age: 52

Home town: Harrison New Jersey

Where do you live now? Johnsburg Illinois, in Illinois since October 1984

Family, kids, spouse, friends:

  • Wife of 32 plus years Jean

  • 27 year old son Michael

  • 24 year old daughter Kristen

  • Multiple great friends but best friends live in Miramar Florida and have been friends since middle school. 

Occupation and how many years at your current job? Currently work for Allstate/Tech-Cor as production manager of a very high tech state of the art collision repair center. I have been in the automotive repair business since February 1985. 

When and why did you start trail running? November 2012 I was introduced to the McHenry Country Ultra Running Dudes and Dudettes ( MUDD ) and I found my love my passion and my like minded people. 

What is your favorite distance, and best running accomplishment? 100 miles is my favorite distance and the best mental test. Favorite accomplishment is a tie for me, completing Potawatomi 200 and going sub 8 hours at North Country 50 miler we’re perfectly executed races that I completed.  

What, for you is the best part about volunteering at trail races? Volunteering is the best way to give back, encourage, teach and make people accomplish goals they didn’t know they could. 

What have you learned from trail running? I’ve learned that there really are great people in the world despite what the media and news portray, if you want great friends just start trail running. 

What advice would you give someone considering getting into trail running? Best advice is go pace runners, volunteer at races and ask a lot of questions to the people in your local community that you look up to even if they are at a totally different level. Trail runners are ALWAYS ready willing and able to help with the simplest to the hardest questions. 

Do you have any goals or big trail races for 2019? 2019 is going to be a big year for me personally, it involves 2) 30 milers, 200 miler, 3) 100 milers, 200 K and 1 last man standing event. If I complete this series I will be the only person to have accomplished this race series.

Michele Hartwig